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As small and quaint as Guilford may be, we as a community are not immune to the effects of the outside world. With the COVID-19 vaccine being widely distributed and more accessible with each coming day, it seems the world is about ready to return to a semi-functioning way of life. For some, this means returning to the hustle and bustle of a traditional workplace, while for others it poses the question of whether remote work will become a permanent aspect of their day-to-day life. Social interaction has certainly been impacted since the beginning of the pandemic, and like all things, it might take a bit longer for some to readjust to face-to-face interaction than it does for others.

If you believe yourself to be someone who might prefer to be fully vaccinated before you fully rejoin society, fear not! You are not an agoraphobe, this mentality is certainly normal, and I am about to tell you why living in Guilford, Connecticut makes you one of the luckies people in the country during the coming months. Spring is nearly behind us, and Summer is just around the corner. On top of this, you might find that spring fever, as well as a longing for some much deserved fresh air, is causing you to feel a bit restless.  Living in Guilford, we are fortunate to be directed surrounded by some of the most beautiful hiking trails in the nation. Although hiking may not seem like an ideal way to spend your day, it might actually be just what some of us need to regain some sense of normalcy.


Westwoods boulder dedicated to the late Bernard N. Kane

 Home to a multitude of beautiful trails, the natural beauty of Guilford is really something to behold for anyone who hasn’t taken the time to enjoy it already. For anyone who has driven on route 146, it is nearly impossible to miss any of the numerous entrances to the Westwoods trail system, containing 39 miles of trails over 1,200 acres of land. A common spot for hikers is the illustrious “Lost Lake”, a must see spot for any visitor. The easiest and fastest route can be taken by first parking at the cul-de-sac found at the end of Three Corners Rd, then by taking 


the Red Triangle trail and transferring over to the Orange Circle trail. Another tranquil spot is a large rock dedicated to Bernard N. Kane, who spent his life building and advocating for the preservation of the Westwoods trails. The path to the memorial can be found by first parking at the Dunk Rock Rd trail entrance, and then following either the Green Triangle or Green Rectangle trails. Both spots are relatively short hikes, and a perfect activity for anyone looking to spread their legs, get out of the house, and enjoy the fresh air!

The beautiful Westwoods Trails of Guilford

Article and Photos by Nick Chasse

Easing Back Into Reality


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